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Thursday, April 1, 2010 Y 8:12 PM

i haven't been blogging for a while...simply because I've been busy with stuff that are uninteresting. anyways the most that have happened is that i went shopping at Daiso and Pacific Center..thats it. yeah the whole friday-daiso-show the japanese exchange student around thing happened and it was sucessful.

we took the skytrain...to Aberdeen, went to daiso. i bought shit loads of smelly oils, btw, i 'm in <3 with the scent of euclyptus! its amazing! I've always loved minty smells and i esspecially love it in my room since it puts me too sleep, so i bought that along with bergamot, chamoile, rose, sandlewood, ..and some mixture that is called 'woody herb' , that smells nice too. well, each was 2 bucks so i wasn't feeling alot of spenderguilt so i was fine. OMG! i tried this japanese yummy stuff at daiso called 'brown sugar cakes' ..i'm tellin you ! its AMAZING! so amazing that i bought a pack along with some seaweed that Arisa recommended. that was yummy too.

Then we went to Pacific Centre and i stopped by body shop to take a deep intese sniff of Tea Tree Oil, cause i love the smell of that too. then i left and didn't buy it cause i'm not crazy enough to buy it for 9 bucks when i can wait for daiso to sell if for 2 bucks. The Lewin, Narfie, Arisa and I saw that Stiches had a 50% off sale so we went it. Some where between elbow licking, making fun of slutty gr 8 look-a-likes, and my anxiety attack because i didn't know whether i should buy the blazer or the earrings or both...will i use it, will it be worth it, will my mother kill me for buying it...etc. i eventually called said mother and after calling and recalling at least 5 times, i bought the blazer for $10 (original was $20) and a pair of earrings for ($3.25)... it was the earrings i was freaking out the most, honestly..i HATE buying accessories and jewelry at stores cause to me, they are ALL over priced. i don't like spending more than a buck for earrings or a buck-half for huge dangly ones...but i did, and then we ate.. but i was sooo broke by then that i just had juice cause we ate some of the Daiso goodies on the skytrain :D

anyways we all went home after that and when i was sitting on the skytrain by my self... i noticed...Vancouver at night... looks somewhat like New York. honestly, i don't like vancouver, but i will admit that it has its charm, and more than once it had come close to convincing me that i like it...then some mothafucka reafferms my eariler opinion. Honestly, everyone's like : "oh Canada is such a nice place you must love it everyone's sooooo nice!" ... and i'm like : "bitch, you have NOT been to the neighboorhoods have you?"

ah well, yale town is pretty.

also! i baked for the first time!!! i've cooked before, but baked i have never because my mom thinks that ill burn down the place so she doesn't let me near the oven, but a few days ago i made Chicken Mushroom Creamed Rice, which was SOOOOO good,... well could've been better BUT! mom said to leave it in the oven for 45 mins, but i said and hour because the internet said an hour but she didin't listen to me... in the end:

but anywho.. i'm thinking of cooking again tomorrow, and btw, its easter break now so no school tomorrow, and monday to yipee! freedom!!

AND! today!!! is APRIL FOOLS DAY!! so this is waht happened,
- some one stole some teachers smartboard
- student drove his car into the courtyard
- students dressed up as hockey players skated (in rollerblades) into the cafeteria
- they put a bunch of tape on the stairs
- some students tried the bubble trick with a teacher (FAIL)
- and the biggest one was: the principle said hat TWILIGHT was comming to film at our school, or check it out or somethin,... anyways the reason why this sorta worked is because :

a couple years ago, they were actually legit checking out the school and they wanted to film here BUT the priest (damn him!) said that since it was about vampires, and my school is catholic, it goes againsts the school's religion so they can't film.. BOOO!! so they went to David Thompson School instead.
so this time, since our school is gonna be smashed down in a couple months, it worked cause people thought that they would want it because since it was gonna be smashed, they could decorate it how ever they want... it got to the point where USHERs were actually setting up the auditorium. so anyways the older kids kinda figured it out but the gr 8 totally believee!!
aparently the ppl comming was taylor lautner and ashlee green (however you spell that) anyways, the annoucements was talking about how everyone should be calm ,and not to freak out if they see a streach limosine..etc. but at the end of the day everyone figured out except for the gr 8s so they were hanging around the auditorium trying to get a peek... it was sad

in my opinion.. the only reason i would want to get any twilight autographs is to sell them on ebay when i'm down on rent money
thats it

so thats all that have happened..
oh yeah, and i got a blood test and physio to day too
..i swear my physiotherapist is becoming my shrink too..

bie bie

btw,, you know how everyone says that taylor lautner's body is sooo hot ... well, here's why:



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'Oh, you can’t help that,' said the Cat. 'We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.'
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'You must be,” said the Cat. 'or you wouldn’t have come here...'”

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