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Saturday, May 8, 2010 Y 5:37 PM

Heeellllllloooo Hypocrites!

I would like to let you know that your staff room is fucking disgusting. Incase any of you are blind, deaf, or mute (actually that would explain a lot) , let me elaborate…a proper staff room does NOT have:

Dishes (UNWASHED) all over the room.

– Seriously! You’re all grown ups, act like some, is this how your house looks like? If it is, I’m pretty sure your either single, divorced, or should be divorced. It’s so nasty in there, it’s gross by teenage standards. If you have dishes, wash them. It’s really really sad that you can’t even get up off your fat ass to bring the dishes to the sink. Don’t just leave it on the table and giggle! Who are you? And don’t give me that bullshit saying that the room is 53 years old. I don’t give a fuck if the room is 53 yrs old, that means that you all have had 53 years to get up and do something about the fuckin mess! It looks like a goddamn episode of HORDERS there , you sick sons of bitches! Get up and fix it! There are people (old) that have lived in a home for more than 53 yrs and if you go in there it looks like a frickin hospital! THAT CLEAN!! And its not only dishes, you have vases with plant residue down there with your plates, you have what seems to be a PAM oil spray thing that has been leaking with your toasters, dust covers EVERYTHING and your toaster are messed up, they have so many crumbs(?), or some sort of THING in it that it would be impossible to clean and reuse. Btw, the plugs for all 3 of them are rusted and the cord is chewed to bits.

Cutlery (Forks, Knives, Spoons – for the people reading this with a sub-80 IQ) jammed into a cutlery tray and shoved into a drawer FILLED WITH MICE SHIT!

– THAT IS NASTY!! And all you science people… are you fucked in the head? Did the mice shit that was in the drawer fly through your ear canal, breed some fucked up insect that currently dry humps your brain? Do you have any idea how much BACTERIA must have accumulated in that one drawer or the entire room? Everywhere you touch is filled with bacteria and nasty stuff that grows and shit, so don’t complain about how nasty the cafeteria is after lunch, look at your room, that place is worst. At first I thought what I was looking at was black rice… I was thinking about wild rice and the multicolored rice (some types are black), until I asked around and everyone said it was mice shit. So I poked it with a toothpick, it sunk in. WTF!!!!! MICE SHIT!!! THAT’S SOO FUCKED UP!

MOLD in Ziplocs bags and containers.

– for real? Am I your fucking maid? DO NOT put your nasty ass moldy containers on the drying rack BESIDE THE SINK? Are you stupid? When/If someone decides to finally wash some dishes, they put the clean stuff on the drying rack- thank you for polluting our clean dishes. That’s just sick.

Nasty smell radiating from the furniture and walls and everything in general

– in case most of you are 12st century retarded, or have been living under a rock, there is this new invention called FEBREZE AIR EFFECTS. According to its advertisement it: is an odor eliminator, air fresherner, and contains beta-cyclodextrin- a molecule that retaining malodorous molecules, thus making them no longer to be able to be detected as a scent. In all: BUY THAT FEBREZE! It smells dingy and gross in there and the mold you have in your storage is not helping, MOLD IS NOT POTPURRI! Try dry cleaning the furniture covers or maybe growing a brain and figuring out that in a long term situation; suede, polyester, or any other fabrics that can trap in odors would not be the smartest way to go. Try leather or maybe put a plastic covering over your furniture (I heard that Italians like to saran-wrap their sofas).

- just to let you know… ND has a very nice mice population, and they are all shitting in your staff room. Student are now smart enough to not buy anything from the kitchens after two people saw a mouse so be smart enough to NOT eat your food and/or place your food somewhere near the sink or cabinets or anywhere that mice can get to. Its gross that you put this stuff in your mouths.

Don’t be hypocrites, stop bitching at us student saying that we’re gross and disgusting and make messes everywhere. Look at your staff room! Its worst than all the rooms put together after lunch. Its so nasty the devil won’t even shit in there if he was offered the chance! And don’t say that you want to donate the cutlery and the appliances and containers to the homeless. POOR PEOPLE WON’T EVEN WANT YOUR NASTY STUFF! I’m pretty sure that their standards are even higher than yours since you obviously don’t give a shit! And that microwave? Yeahhh… I’d bleach it or douse with gasoline, bleach, whatever and just light it. Its hopeless, I would never EVER heat up my food in that, there’s dried (looks like its gonna start molding) pasta on the bottom and the sides have some sort of dried liquid on it. Its over, throw it out, don’t give it to anyone unless you want them to be poison, and even then that would be cruel.

One more thing… why do you have so many knives? There is a substantial amount of knives compare to forks and spoons. I’m worried for all of you. And then you say that you want to give the cutlery to the poor and homeless. Just to let you know; those homeless people, with their drug addiction and alcohol addictions and messed up lives, are probably suicidal… so now you want to put sharp knives into their hands? Are you trying to get them to kill themselves faster? Is this your way of trying to get rid of the homeless problem we have on the east side? Because in your staff room you have SO many knives that all of you should just start a second-hand knives store. Really. I’m actually serious. I would go, and never buy anything but I’d go to see that. And homeless people should be given a chance. Stop collecting knives and sending them downtown. NOBODY WANTS KNIVES!

Thank you!
Everyone who’s been into the staff room… god bless our souls.


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